Thursday, December 18, 2008

Alli's First School Program

November 2 was my last post?! Good grief, you'd think I forgot how to do this or something.
In the coming days I'll try to catch you up on all that's been going on, but for now, here's the latest!

Alli's class ... well, she's MWF, and some of them are just TTh and they're all bunched in there together making it look much bigger than her class size really is...

Alli's first school program was a Christmas program last night that was super cute!
There were 7 classes that each performed 2 songs, and then at the end all the classes sang one last song together. Alli did great, and didn't show any signs of stage fright, and sang her heart out and did all the hand motions that the teachers taught them to do. Alli's class had a "king" theme (singing We Three Kings and Joy To the World) so her class dressed up as kings.

Here are a few fun pictures, it's hard to get good ones at night!
We did take video on the video camera but it may take a few days for Dan to get around to cutting it down to a small enough version for me to post it on YouTube, but as soon as we do, I'll let you know.


Mommy to Tyler & Kendall said...

Thank you for finally posting!!!!

Fit Mom said...

I know i know... well... I update Facebook now more, I guess. need to pick one or the other, I can't do both. :)